July 2024

“What type of government have you created for us?”
“A republic if you can keep it.”

When spoken over 245 years ago these words were just an ordinary dialogue of the day. They would, however, be forever recorded by history and prove to be iconic. These were words asked by Elizabeth Willing Powel to Ben Franklin as he emerged from a months long convention in Philadelphia. The convention was to lay the foundation of a new government structure for a country that was just emerging from the Revolutionary war and just in its infancy. This country would prove to become the strongest, most diverse and free country ever dared to be created. It has been called the greatest experiment ever undertaken, the great melting pot, a beacon of liberty to all the world. But would it remain so?

What did those words, spoken by Ben Franklin mean? He knew this type of government structure was reliant upon having a moral and just people. So, while the founding fathers laid the structure they knew the common bond and morals of the people were the linchpin to it all. Almost all of the founding fathers, while maybe not belonging to a particular denomination, acknowledged the existence of a higher power. So much so that it was a central tenet in the structuring of America and examples can be found in so many documents, the Declaration of Independence (“…that they are endowed by their Creator…”), our currency (In God we trust), etc. Something never really acknowledged by another country, or at least to the extent that it was within America. They knew for liberty to remain intact and for the government to remain subservient to the people, God had to be acknowledged and a central part of their country.

Over the years America would prove time and again to be the freest, strongest, and most generous country in the world. From WWI, WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War America stood as the policeman of the world. Always pushing back on the threat of evil. And while other countries certainly fought wars not all were as consistent as America in stopping the spread of rogue regimes. From nazism, to communism, to dictatorships, America was always willing to confront despotism. And when these conflicts ended America again would lead the way in aid. From financial aid to humanitarian aid to willingly take in displaced immigrants. No other country compared to its generosity. Even with America being the great melting pot it was able to maintain a general cohesiveness through assimilation, shared values, and a belief in something greater. When you loose this you risk a collapse. From Mark 3:24:25 “If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand.”

The panning of faith in God and moral certitude has led to a decline in many western countries and America is no exception. Trading in a morals first structure for a feelings based structure is an abandonment of God and all his laws. Without His word a country falls into chaos. John 15:5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”

America has always been a beacon of liberty to the rest of the world and now it is becoming the last great hope for the entire world. To remain that bastion of hope, we must put our focus back to God and his word. This 4th of July, take a moment and give thanks to God that you live in, still, the greatest and freest country ever to be dared. And remember He is the reason.

Happy 4th of July.

In Christ,
Eric Foster

Updated: July 1, 2024 — 2:08 pm